Why You SHOULD Post Your Prices on Your Website

Posting pricing on websites is a hot topic in the photography world. Some say yes. Others say no. But if you were coaching with me I would tell you that "yes, you do need to post some pricing information on your website. "
Now I used to be opposed to this because I listened to people who were also opposed to this. Their philosophy was that you need to connect with future clients before you reveal pricing to build rapport and have them gain trust in you.
But times have changed and I now believe that people trust me before they call me or send me an inquiry email. The more information I put in my marketing materials, I build that trust. And the information that people want the most is my pricing.
Now this doesn't mean I post my entire pricing menu. But I do give basic information that lets people see enough information to get them started. Then I go over pricing completely when they inquire before they book.
I heard someone say this and it hit me like a ton of bricks. "Do you really think people call you if they don't trust you?" No, they don't. By the time people are reaching out they already have a level of trust in you. Otherwise, they wouldn't reach out. That means your marketing from Social Media to your website needs to be the vehicle that builds that trust. Pricing information is part of that.
Need more help with the pricing in your business? Check out how you can add products the easy way on this post.
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